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A.G. Batchelder
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Featured Article
Image of The Week

This image of former Indianapolis automotive pioneer A.G. Batchelder was originally published in the Sunday, March 20, 1910 Indianapolis Star. It was part of a special supplemental section about the upcoming March 28 Indianapolis Automobile Show presented by the Indianapolis Automobile Trade Association (IATA). Key features of the event were the Floral Parade, contests at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and concluding banquet at the Denison Hotel. Batchelder was one of the featured speakers at what the newspaper referred to as "Gasoline Banquet" at the Denison.
Batchelder's picture was published in association with some brief copy and images of four other men:
The copy read as follows:
"At the banquet to be given one week from next Saturday night, at the conclusion of the automobile show week, several of the most prominent speakers of the state and one from outside have promised to attend. Former Mayor Bookwalter will be the toastmaster. This banquet is given especially for the trade men and others who are interested in making the automobile industry and spot such a tremendous factor in the business life and success of the hoosier capital. A.G. Batchelder of New York is the chairman of the American Automobile Association executive committee. Edgar Apperson of Kokomo, Indiana is a member of the AAA contest board and manufactures the Apperson cars. The other two main speakers are Governor Marshall and Mayor Shank."
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