Auto Patents & Exports, 1905

This content is a digest of short items from the May 31, 1905 issue of Horseless Age. In it you find a calendar of auto racing events for the following two months as well as a list of patents and some interesting statistics for American automobile exports for April 1905 and the previous 10 months. A year-over-year comparison on automotive exports is provided as well.
Check out these interesting facts:

  • For April 1905 the United States exported $237,462 of automotive products.
  • Y-O-Y: in April 1904 the number was $236,785.
  • $1,876,063 of auto products were exported between July 1905 and April 1905.
  • Y-O-Y for the same month span, the number was $1,542,535.
  • Going one year further back, the number was $894,521.
  • Among the patents granted were advances in pneumatic tires, valve gear mechanisms, variable speed gears and a carburetor for a hydrocarbon engine.
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