Chevrolet Accident & Practice

This article from the May 22, 1910 Indianapolis Sun reports on practice at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for their May 1910 race meet - the first Memorial Day weekend of racing at the track. The race meet was held May 27-30 but skipped May 29 as it was the Sabbath. The meet included "national championships," a newly-announced distinction by the American Automobile Association (AAA) for select race meets. Car manufacturers were keen to make a great showing. Check out other articles that provide additional summaries on the results of the races staged May 27 and May 28 elsewhere on First Super Speedway. In particular this article focuses on a Sunday practice accident by Buick driver Chevrolet. Interestingly, the article does not give the driver's first name so it is not clear whether this is reference to Louis or Arthur.
Apparently the Buick lost a tyre and hit the fence, tearing up the car. Charlie Merz of the National Motor Vehicle Company team is mentioned as well. He was cutting fast laps with a car fresh from the factory. He was reported as busting off miles at a 41-second pace. Louis Schwitzer was reportedly on the track as well driving the Fuller entry.
Finally, the article notes a reliability run coming in from Ohio with represenatives from various auto clubs driving and riding together. They were coming into Indianapolis to see the races. Clubs from Columbus, Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton were in the group. They had made arrangements to stay at the spectacular Denison Hotel in downtown Indianapolis. Allen Albert, editor of the Columbus News, had a special trophy to recognize the top performer in the reliability run.

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