June 1 - Burman's Challenge

Two days after the 1913 Indianapolis 500 the city was still burning with racing fever and fanning those flames was Forest M. Keeton, president of the Keeton Motor Car Company. As announced the previous day he challenged the Peugeot team and was talking a side bet of $20,000. A.G. Kaufman, president of the Peugeot Auto Important Company of New York expressed a kind of "bring it on" attitude. Jules Goux wanted to get in on the action offering up $5,000 for a side bet as well. Goux was scheduled to leave for France but was willing to change his travel arrangements if a contract to conduct the race could be squared away promptly.
Attachment StarMulford060113 is an advertisement that looks like an article. The substance of it is ad copy for Braender Tires - why they were so durable and the manufacturing process that makes their superiority possible. The point worth noting is that they were on Ralph Mulford's Mercedes and he completed the entire 500 miles with no tire changes.
Check out attachment StarCartoonist060113 for an article written by cartoonist Don Herold for his take on the great race. Attachment StarCartoon060113i provides the cartoon associated with Mr. Herold's article. The piece suggests that because of gasoline May Day was no longer the first of the month in Indianapolis but Race Day - Memorial Day. Herold also did a characiture of Goux which is in attachment StarGoux060113.
Attachment StarWeidely060113 contains a small item as engineer George Weidley who was a confidant of Carl Fisher and served as a Speedway official proposed the idea of automating timing and scoring. His idea included the use of the relatively new technology of motion pictures. Another small item comes in attachment StarDawson060113 which reports that 1912 Joe Dawson, who was not competing in the race, had to hustle at the last minute to obtain credentials to even attend the 1913 race. Attachment StarCartoon060113 presents an editorial cartoon with a host of sketches with a variety of impressions race fans saw over the weekend.

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